Tectonic evolution of Gangdese-Himalaya orogenic system in the northern Gondwanaland and Paleo-Tethy
The Discovery of ~310 Ma Back-Arc Basin Basalt in the West Junggar,Xinjiang,NW China and its Geologi
Objective Mafic magmas can form in different tectonic settings with various geochemical characteristics depending on the......
Origin of Cu in the PACMANUS hydrothermal field from the eastern Manus back-arc basin: evidence from
Hydrothermal precipitates associated with active vents in the eastern Manus Basin, an actively opening back-arc basin in......
The Yamansu belt, an important tectonic component of Eastern Tianshan Mountains, of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, NW ......
Generation of Back-Arc Basins as Side Effect of Shortening Processes: Examples from the Central Medi
The evolution of the Mediterranean area since the Oligocene-Lower Miocene has been driven by the convergence of the surr......
Chromitite bodies hosted in peridotites typical of suboceanic mantle(s.l.ophiolitic)are found in the northern and centra......